Organized by the Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Delhi

Under the aegis of TEQIP-II, IIT Delhi


Date:        19th September

Time:        10:00 am to 5:45 pm

venue:      Seminar Hall, IIT Delhi


Registration: click here



Recent advances in sensor, storage and networking technologies have made huge volumes of data available for exploration. The data ranges from text data as such in web-pages, e-mails; time-series data, say, generated by weather and seismic stations around the globe; multimedia data such as feeds from surveillance cameras spread across a city; and social documentaries like the micro-blogs. Data scientists have been baffled with the volume of data so generated and  have appreciated that the traditional approaches can not scale up. They have by and large relied on machine learning techniques to analyse and interpret such large volume of data with reasonable success. At this juncture, we ask if traditional human knowledge has any role to play in interpreting such huge volume of multimodal, distributed and heterogeneous data? Can the collective expert knowledge, formally encoded in the form of ontology, help us to correlate the observed patterns on different channels and interpret them in domain context to discover their deep semantics or the root causes for any observed turbulences?


This workshop will attempt to answer these questions through invited talks and discussions. It is planned as a point of convergence for academics and industry experts with diverse viewpoints on the subject. It will focus on different aspects of ontology engineering, in particular, applications to Big Data problems. It will examine foundational principles of ontology, different aspects of ontology construction, representation and reasoning processes. Discussions will span over multiple domains, for example biosciences, multimedia, security, digital heritage and linguistics. The workshop will have lectures and a panel discussion.


Workshop SCHEDULE:


    9:30 am – 10:00 am         Workshop Registration

10:00 am – 10:05 am          Welcome Address by Dr. Brejesh Lall, Workshop Chair

10:05 am 12:45 pm          Session I-“Big Data: Ontological Perspective”, chaired by Prof H. M. Gupta, IITD

10:05 am – 10:50 am               Invited Talk by Prof. Santanu Chaudhury, IIT Delhi

10:50 am – 11:40 am               Invited Talk by Prof. Navjyoti Singh, IIIT Hyderabad

11:40 am – 11:55 am          Tea break

11:55 am – 12:45 pm               Invited talk by Prof. Vijay Chandru, Strand Life Sciences

12:45 pm –    1:45 pm          Lunch break

   1:45 pm   4:15 pm          Session II: “Ontology & Its Applications”, chaired by Prof. K.K. Biswas, IITD

   1:45 pm –    2:35 pm               Invited Talk by Prof. Amitabha Mukherjee, IIT Kanpur

   2:35 pm –   3:25 pm               Invited Talk by Prof. Aditya Bagchi, ISI Kolkata

   3:25 pm –   3:50 pm               Invited Talk by Dr. Arijit Mukherjee, TCS

   3:50 pm –   4:15 pm               Invited Talk by Dr. Anupama Mallik, IIT Delhi


Panel Discussion

  4:15 pm –     5:15 pm          Panel Discussion on "Ontology for Multimedia Big Data"

Chaired BY:                           Prof. Narendra Ahuja, Director ITRA, Media Lab Asia

Panelists :                             Prof. Vjiay Chandru, Strand LS, Prof. K.K.Biswas, IIT Delhi, Dr. Usha Munshi, IIPA,  Dr. hiranmay ghosh, TCS


Book launch

  5:15 pm –   5:45 pm           Book Launch by Prof. narendra Ahuja

                                                Title: “Multimedia ONTOLOGY: Representation and Applications”

                                               AUTHORS: Prof. Santanu Chaudhury, Dr. Anupama Mallik, Dr. Hiranmay Ghosh

5:45 pm onwards                High Tea


CRC Press Book Exhibition

9:30 am   6:00 pm             Book Exhibition by CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group

                                                VENUE: Foyer outside Seminar hall, IIT Delhi.



Invited Speakers

Prof. Navjyoti Singh, IIIT Hyderabad

Prof. Vjiay Chandru, Strand LS, Bangalore

Prof. Amitabha Mukherjee, IIT Kanpur

Prof. Aditya Bagchi, ISI Kolkata

Prof. Santanu Chaudhury, IIT Delhi

Dr. Arijit Mukherjee, TCS, Kolkata

Dr. Anupama Mallik, IIT Delhi


Panel Discussion


TOPIC: Ontology for multimedia big data analysis


Multimedia data assumes a significant proportion on the web, the social media and professional collections. Interpretation of multimedia data is a complex task and has been a challenge to the scientists. There is a big gap between the audio-visual representations and their connotations. Surprisingly enough, human mind can cope up with the “semantic gap” quite intuitively. This leads to the question that has human sensory experience accumulated over the generations have a role to play in contextually interpreting the multimedia artifacts, and if so, what is the characteristics of such knowledge? Is it inherently different from the symbolic form of knowledge that philosophers, information scientists and technologists deal with?


In this panel, we have invited panelists from different professions to address this issue from their respective perspectives.



Prof. Narendra Ahuja, Director ITRA

Prof. Vjiay Chandru, Strand LS, Bangalore

Prof. K.K. Biswas, IIT Delhi

Dr. Usha Munshi, IIPA

Dr. Hiranmay Ghosh, TCS India



Book launch by Prof. Narendra Ahuja


Book TITLE: Multimedia Ontology: Representation and Applications

AUTHORS:     Prof. Santanu Chaudhury, Dr. Anupama Mallik, Dr. Hiranmay Ghosh


The result of more than 15 years of collective research, Multimedia Ontology: Representation and Applications provides a theoretical foundation for understanding the nature of media data and the principles involved in its interpretation. The book presents a unified approach to recent advances in multimedia and explains how a multimedia ontology can fill the semantic gap between concepts and the media world. It relays real-life examples of implementations in different domains to illustrate how this gap can be filled.

The book contains information that helps with building semantic, content-based search and retrieval engines and also with developing vertical application-specific search applications. It guides you in designing multimedia tools that aid in logical and conceptual organization of large amounts of multimedia data. As a practical demonstration, it showcases multimedia applications in cultural heritage preservation efforts and the creation of virtual museums.

The book describes the limitations of existing ontology techniques in semantic multimedia data processing, as well as some open problems in the representations and applications of multimedia ontology. As an antidote, it introduces new ontology representation and reasoning schemes that overcome these limitations. The long, compiled efforts reflected in Multimedia Ontology: Representation and Applications are a signpost for new achievements and developments in efficiency and accessibility in the field.



The Book is available for purchase at CRC Press and Amazon India.




Prof. Aditya Bagchi

Prof. Aditya Bagchi got his Ph.D. in Engineering from Jadavpur University, India. After serving in various industries in India and USA, he joined the Indian Statistical Institute where he is now a professor in the Electronics & Communication Sciences Unit. Prof. Bagchi's research interests cover Data modelling for large graphs, Social and Biological Network in particular, Development of data mining algorithms, association and dissociation rules in particular and Design of access control models for different application areas. In his areas of research, Prof. Bagchi has published many papers in International journals and peer-reviewed conferences. He has also written a book on "Data Model for Social Networks" published by Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany in 2013. Prof. Bagchi has delivered invited lectures and tutorials in many universities, research labs, workshops and conferences in India, Europe and USA. Prof. Bagchi is also serving as adviser to many Govt. Departments and Projects in India particularly for E-Governance and Data Security related issues.




Prof. Vijay Chandru 

Dr. Vijay Chandru is an academic turned entrepreneur. As an academic, he got his PhD in the mathematics of decision sciences (aka operations research). He has taught and conducted research in the computational mathematics of optimization, geometry, logic and biology at Purdue University (1982-1993) and the Indian Institute of Science (1992-2005). He has co-authored a book in computational logic and over seventy peer-reviewed research papers. He was elected a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences in 1996. A founder of Strand Life Sciences  (, a computational biology company, he has served as its Chairman & Chief Executive Officer. He is also a founder of the Association of Biotech led Enterprises (ABLE) and continues to serve as an executive council member. Professor Chandru is also a founder of PicoPeta Simputers, a private limited company that commercialized the Simputer technology and brought it to market. As one of the inventors of the Simputer, Professor Chandru received the Dewang Mehta Award, the first time it was awarded in 2001 (it is India's highest award for innovation in information technology). For work with Strand and biotechnology, he was named a Technology Pioneer of the World Economic Forum in 2007 and the Biospectrum Biotech Entrepreneur of 2007. For contributions to Science and Society, Professor Chandru was awarded the Hari Om Trust Award by University Grants Commission (MHRD) in 2003, the President's Medal of INFORMS in 2006, and was named in the 50 pioneers of change by India Today in 2008.




Prof. Amitabha Mukherjee


Prof. Amitabha Mukerjee did his B.Tech (1979) in Mechanical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur.  He did his MS (1982) and PhD (1986) from University Rochester, USA. Currently, he is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at IIT Kanpur. He heads the Center for Robotics, at IIT Kanpur. Prof. Amitabha Mukerjee is also serving as adviser to many Govt. Departments and Projects in India such as SAIL, TISCO, Jamshedpur and HAL. He was awarded the Vikram Sarabhai Award, 1999, for contributions and achievements in the field of Electronics, Informatics, Telematics, and Automation. His research interest are in the area of Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Learning and Geometric Modelling.




Prof. Santanu Chaudhury

Prof. Santanu Chaudhury did his BTech (1984) in Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineering and PhD (1989) in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. Currently, he is a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at IIT Delhi. He was also Dean, Undergraduate Studies at IIT Delhi. He was awarded INSA medal for young scientists in 1993. He is a fellow of Indian National Academy of Engineering and National Academy of Sciences, India. He is also a fellow of the International Association of Pattern Recognition. His research interests are in the areas of Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Multimedia Systems. He has published more than 150 papers in international journals and conference proceedings. He has been on the programme committee of a number of international conferences, including ICCV, ACCV, ICPR, ICVGIP, and PReMI.





Prof. Narendra Ahuja



Narendra Ahuja is the Director of Information Technology Research Academy (ITRA) and a Research Professor at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). ITRA is a national initiative started by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India, as a pilot for a new model of enhancing the quality of advanced technical and related education across India. He received the B.E. degree with honors in electronics engineering from the Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani, India, in 1972, the M.E. degree with distinction in electrical communication engineering from the Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, India, in 1974, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Maryland, College Park, USA, in 1979. In 1979, he joined the UIUC faculty where he was Donald Biggar Willet Chaired Professor of Engineering before starting at ITRA in 2012, and continues as a part-time Research Professor in the Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Beckman Institute, and Coordinated Science Laboratory. From 1974 to 1975 he was Scientific Officer in the Department of Electronics, Government of India, New Delhi. From 1975 to 1979 he was at the Computer Vision Laboratory, University of Maryland, College Park. During 1999-2002, he served as the Founding Director of the first Indian Institute of Information Technology at Hyderabad, since renamed as International Institute of Information Technology.

      His current research is focused on extraction and representation of spatial structure in images and video; integrated use of multiple image-based sources for scene representation and recognition; computational cameras; and applications of computer vision to visual communication, image manipulation, and information retrieval, with focus on developing societies. He has supervised thesis research of about 50 PhD, 15 MS and 60 Undergrad students and 10 Postdoctoral scholars. He has co-authored the books Pattern Models (Wiley, 1983), Motion and Structure from Image Sequences (Springer-Verlag, 1992), and Face and Gesture Recognition (Kluwer, 2001); and co-edited the book Advances in Image Understanding (IEEE Press, 1996).

      He received the 1999 Emanuel R. Piore award of the IEEE, and the 1998 Technology Achievement Award of the International Society for Optical Engineering, and 2008 TA Stewart-Dyer/Frederick Harvey Trevithick Prize of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 2008-11 Open Innovation Research Award from Hewlett-Packard, and a 2010 Google Research Award. With his students, he shared Best Paper Awards given by: Piero Zamperoni Best Student Paper Award, International Conference on Pattern Recognition (2014), Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (2014), First IEEE International Workshop on Computer Vision in Sports (2013), International Conference on Pattern Recognition (2012) and IEEE Transaction on Multimedia (2006). He received Distinguished Alumnus Award from University of Maryland Department of Computer Science (2008) and from Birla Institute for Technology and Science, Pilani (2012). He was selected as Associate for 1998-99 and 2006-07 and Beckman Associate for 1990-91 in the University of Illinois Center for Advanced Study. He received University Scholar Award (1985), Presidential (Ronald Reagan) Young Investigator Award (1984), National Scholarship (1967-72), President's Merit Award (1966), and President’s (Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan) Scout recognition (1966).

      He is a fellow of IEEE, American Association for Artificial Intelligence, International Association for Pattern Recognition, Association for Computing Machinery, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and International Society for Optical Engineering. He has served on the editorial boards of the journals IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence; Computer Vision and Image Understanding; Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision; Journal of Pattern Analysis and Applications; Int. Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology; Journal of Information Science and Technology; and IEE Japan Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering; and a guest coeditor of the Artificial Intelligence Journal's special issue on vision.

      He has served on the Advisory/Governing Boards of IIIT, Hyderabad; IIT BHU; IIIT Delhi; Microsoft Research Connections, USA; and Microsoft Research, India; and Institute of Communication, Information and Perception Technologies, Scuola Superiore, Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy. He is the founding president of Vision Technology, a computer vision technology company that has developed and transferred several prototypes, and a co-founder of a recent start-up to transfer sports-analysis technology. His hardware/software/knowhow/prototypes have been used by about 10 companies/organizations.




Prof. KK Biswas

Prof K.K.Biswas did his Btech in Electrical Engineering from IIT Madras, MTech in Control systems and PhD in signal estimation from IIT Delhi.  He is currently an Emeritus professor in the  Computer Science department at IIT Delhi. His current area of research interest is image and video processing, handling fuzzy models in probabilistic domain, machine learning with applications in Bio-informatics, activity recognition and salient object detection. His teaching career spans over 35 years. He was a visiting professor at the University of Auckland, New Zealand and at the University of Central Florida, USA. He served as an UNESCO expert for development of curriculum at university of Nigeria.




Prof Navjyoti Singh

Prof. Navjyoti Singh is working as a Professor in Center for Exact Humanities [CEH], IIIT Hyderabad. His areas of Interest are Formal Ontology, Scientifc Study of Consciousness, Foundations of Logic, Mathematics and Linguistics, Crossroads of Science and Indian Analytic Traditions, History, Philosophy of Science.



Dr. Usha Munshi

Dr. Usha Mujoo Munshi, a Fulbright Scholar is currently with Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA).  Prior to joining IIPA, she has served at many prestigious organizations like INSDOC (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), New Delhi, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi and Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata.  She has over 155 research publications and a few books to her credit, besides a number of other publications. Her recent publication christened “Multimedia Information Extraction and Digital Heritage Preservation”   brought out by World Scientific is a detailed & distinctive anthology on various facets of the research issues in the area contributed by the world experts. Her latest publication on “Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development” brought out by Scientific International has been released in 2014. 

Recipient of  several national and international awards that includes Raizada Memorial Award 1994  for Young  Information Scientist  of the Society of Information Science (SIS); SIS Fellowship in 1999; Fulbright Scholar  in  1996-97.  ASSIST International Best Paper Award by ASSIST, USA in 2002.  In 2009,   Dr. Munshi obtained post of DEA (directeur d` etudes associe), an academic recognition given to her by Fondation Maison des sciences de l`homme, Paris, (France) and she is the first one to receive this recognition in the area of Information Science and Technology.

She is on the editorial board of a few national/international journals in the area of Information science and technology that includes the latest (July 2015) international  “Data Science Journal” which is the only journal of its kind  devoted exclusively to data science in the world. Acting as a member of various national and international committees, she has been nominated as a member for the Steering Committee of IAP (Inter Academy Panel) and Task force on Digital Resources - US National Academy of Sciences, USA and Co-Chair, Steering Committee, National Digital Preservation Programme (NDPP), GoI.  She has recently also been nominated as member international “Data Policy Committee” (a four member international committee) by CODATA (International Council for Science (ICSU)).Paris.  She has been associated with the Consultative Development Committee – set up by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt. of India for the Preparation of “Strategic Road Map for  Data Analytics” for the Government.  Dr. Munshi has been on the panel of International Scientific Programme Committee of the SciDataCon2014 of CODATA, Paris and the World Data System, Japan.

Her area of interest include- information extraction, IR, knowledge management, Digital libraries and research mapping.  




Dr. Hiranmay Ghosh

Hiranmay Ghosh has received his Ph.D. Degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi, and his B.Tech. and B.Sc. Degrees from University of Calcutta. He has more than 35 years of experience with ICT industry and research centers. He is presently a Principal Scientist with TCS Research, and is leading its multimedia research track. He is an Adjunct Faculty with IIT Delhi and is associated with its Multimedia Research Group. His research interests include semantic web, machine learning, computer vision, image processing, cognitive models and multimedia applications. He has many publications to his credit in reputed international journals and peer-reviewed conferences. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and members of ACM and IUPRAI. He is in the program committee of several national and international conferences. He is a member of the Academic Council of IIT-Ropar.



Dr. Anupama Mallik

Anupama Mallik did her B.Sc (1986) in Physics and Masters in Computer Applications (1989) from Delhi University, and Ph.D (2012) in Electrical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Delhi. Her Ph.D thesis dealt with ontology based exploration of multimedia contents. She is associated with Multimedia research group of the Electrical Engineering Department, IIT Delhi and has worked as a Research Scientist in projects sponsored by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. Her current research interests include Semantic web based applications, multimedia ontology, ontology applications in Internet of Things, and in cultural heritage preservation. She is a visiting faculty at the Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (IIIT-D). She is a member of the ACM.




Workshop Sponsors



CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group